Need some of the best charade ideas for teenagers? Read the following article for some of the most creative and innovative charade ideas that you can use.
When the friends are coming over and there’s really not much to do.
When the movies, they have all been watched and the books perused through.
When the gossip and the chit chats have all dwindled into nothingness
and all that is left to do is think about the corroding emptiness,
It is then, then that the mind runs into overdrive and an idea strikes,
a charades game should be played! Something that everyone likes!
This rhyme developed out of the boredom that had enveloped us all through the eve. Also, it is testimony enough of what I say. It was then that we came up with the idea of playing charades. But charade ideas for teenagers we had none. So we scratched our heads till we had a list and then began the real fun. The eve was monumental to say the least, all thanks to our charades ideas list. If you are in the same situation, with nothing awesome planned for the eve, then I suggest you get down to it and play some charades, please. You’ll see the amount of fun that ensues on that game day. And for charade ideas for youth? Just refer to the following lists of ideas. You won’t be disappointed I swear.
Fun Charade Ideas
If you’ve never played charades before, I’ll say you’re missing out on something. It is one of the most fun things that you can do with your friends, and with your evening thereof. Without wasting anymore time, let’s get to those charades ideas right away, OK?
Charade Phrases
It’s just that when we think of charade ideas, we always end up thinking of the same ideas, right? So let’s start thinking of something new, we thought. Here are some phrases that are a mix of some catchy tag lines and some proverbs. Try acting these out and you’ll see how tough it can get.
- “Because I’m Worth it.” – L’Oreal
- “I’m Lovin’ It!” – McDonalds
- “No one can eat just one” – Lays
- “You don’t just buy a bournville, you earn it” – Cadbury’s Bournville
- “Finger lickin’ good” – Kentucky Fried Chicken
- “Maybe she’s born with it? Maybe it’s Mabelline” – Mabelline
- First come, first served
- Empty vessels make the most noise
- A man is as old as he feels
- Dead men tell no lies
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- Every one can find fault, few can do better
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder
- All that glitters is not gold.
- A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
Charade States
And not to stop at just the phrases and proverbs, let’s give you some American states to act out as well. Try these and see for yourself if you can manage it right.
- Arkansas
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Louisiana
- Minnesota
- Utah
- Wyoming
- Oklahoma
- New Hampshire
- Massachusetts
And of course, for those of you who are looking for the pure unadulterated movies, songs and books et al, here is a list of some of those as well. Pretty sure you’ll like these as well.
Charade Movies
- The Breakfast Club
- Some Kind of Wonderful
- A Cinderella Story
- Notting Hill
- What Happens in Las Vegas
- Music and Lyrics
- Death at a Funeral
- Miss Congeniality
- Love Actually
- Mission Impossible
Charades Songs
- All Out of Love
- All that Jazz
- Eternal Flame
- Muskrat Sally
- Mm Bop
- Detroit Rock City
- Wreck On The Highway
- She Will be Loved
- All that She Wants
- Love Me Do
Charade Characters and Books
- Bridget Jones (Character)
- Jack Sparrows (Character)
- Ace Ventura (Character)
- Joseph Tribbiani (Character)
- Inspector Clouseau (Character)
- To Kill a Mockingbird (Book)
- Angels and Demons (Book)
- God of Small Things (Book)
- The Red Herring (Book)
- The Sound and the Fury (Book)
And there we have it, some of the best ideas for charades. These have a great mix of charade ideas for teens―some fun, some challenging, and others just for kicks. So plan an eve of charades soon and get these into action, like, fast.