Looking for great frat party themes? The following article will provide you with exactly that. Look through these and then have a great time planning for it.
If you’re in college and just starting out then there must be a lot of curiosity, a lot of anticipation, and a little bit of apprehension about the frat parties that the fraternities will throw. Frat parties, after all, enjoy an almost legendary status and a feeling equaling awe. So what you decide is that your fraternity should throw a frat party and the deal is that you want it to be really, really out of this world. How do you do that? And what are some of the frat themes that you can adopt? Simple, just read through the following sections for some of the best themes and have a party that will rock everyone’s world.
Glow in the Dark
Can you imagine the fun this one will ensue? Just think. Get the room all dim and then as the guests enter the party, give them a glow in the dark product. It could be anything―a cap, paint on the lips, anything that will glow in the dark. In that dark room, people don’t know who is around until they get really close. Opportunities? You bet. Also, there will be the music and the drinks flowing. All in all, an exciting frat party theme that will put a twist to the whole masquerade theme. Fun, huh?
Concert Night
Who does not enjoy a music concert? Everyone. That’s who. So if it can be done, book a local artist or a band and re-create the effect of a concert. The stage and neon lights, boom mikes and speakers, and you rocking to the music. But you know how to make that more fun? Everyone takes turns (drunk turns) to go rock it on stage. Amazing fun and makes for great stories after.
Around the World
Booze and frat parties. Frat parties and booze. Now what would they do without the other? Not much. So take it up a notch. Make it an ‘Around the world’ booze fest. Do up the place in whatever way you want and use whatever music you wish to have. The booze, now that’s where you have your fun. Get as many booze types as possible and have a separate variety in each space. Choices, choices. Here’s how you make it supremely more interesting―hold all these booze contests as party games, like the maximum number of fire shots or fastest bottoms up, etc. There. You just made that party much more interesting.
Come As You Are
This one is more fun than you can think. Who says you have to be all suave and dressed up at a frat party? Not for this frat party theme, you don’t. Throw a ‘Come as you are’ theme. People have to come in the attire that they were in when they were invited for the party. Make it more interesting by catching them at odd hours. Night, shower time, straight out of gym, pajamas―anything goes. Make sure to get a snap of what they were wearing when you invite them so that they don’t end up being a spoilsport.
Foam Party
This is one of my most favorite and funny frat party themes. Imagine foam, everywhere. Imagine slippery floors, imagine people (drunk people) in their swimming attire, imagine water fights and continue imagining. The theme is so much fun, all that it needs is some funny music and you will have some fun times ahead. Try it and see!
And there you have it―the most sleek and smooth themes! Sit down for a minute, close your eyes, and imagine a party with one of these themes. Are you having fun, or are you having fun? The awesomeness of it all, I tell you. Now go throw a party that will make you a living legend.