If you’re planning a retirement party for someone special, then you’re going to need fun and entertaining party ideas. And for that, you need to read the following article…
Life begins at retirement. ~ Author Unknown
It’s so true. All our life, we are always doing something or the other. Busy with our work and home responsibilities that rarely do we get a chance to live our life to the fullest. And that’s when retirement comes as our savior and makes life more fun to live. You or perhaps someone you know is about to have their retirement party and you’re wondering what is it that you can do to make the occasion larger than life. If you’ve already scratched your head and finally given up, we can help you with some fun party ideas for men. All you need to do is read the rest of the article, go through the various ideas, and see which you like the best. If you want, you can even combine couple of ideas with one another and have a unique theme for the party altogether. Take a look.
Party Ideas to Try
We all consider retirement to be a milestone, a grand occasion in a person’s life. No matter where you come from and what you’ve done for a living, a retirement is one a huge milestone. Which is why, while planning the party is underway, you should keep in mind that no matter what you do, it has to match the stature of the event. Now I’m not asking you get the most expensive decorations, serve gourmet foods, and have expensive wine. What I mean is, the enthusiasm and overall ambiance of the party needs to be just right.
Taking a Cruise

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For the first fun retirement idea, you can plan the party on a cruise liner. As you may know, celebrating a party in this manner will be unique and something no one would’ve expected. There are many one-day cruises which take you around an island and include many activities on and off the ship. Depending on the number of people you are inviting at the party, you can book a cruise and have a ball of a time. You can easily avail group discount, since there will be quite a few people at the party. And, the person retiring can have a relaxing time and celebrate his retirement with gusto.
Picnic and a Drive

Yes, as the name suggests, you can plan an impromptu picnic. Well, the impromptu part is not the main part here. The plans will already be made from your end as you have to select a location, invite guests, arrange for the food and beverages, and actually set the theme in motion. The surprise or impromptu part will be for the guest of honor. But why this picnic is one of the best ideas? Because that individual has no idea what’s in store (along with the guests) and the party in fact seems like an adventurous day for him. Being together with family and close friends is always a great way to spend the day. And with a picnic, everyone one can just relax, play some games, and have a great time with each other.
Clown Party

No, let me just stop you right there. We are not going to invite clowns for entertainment at the party. Clowns don’t really say “retirement party”. That’s something little kids would enjoy. What I mean here is that you can center the theme of the party around wacky, crazy ideas. Here, right from the gift to theme to dress code, everything will focus on being wacky. Decorate the venue accordingly and get a clown cake, if you’d like. I think you get my gist.
Hobby Class

For our next idea, we can choose another theme. I have an idea in mind. This next party theme will be dedicated entirely to the retiree. How? Well, first of all, I’d like to ask you, “what are his hobbies”? Does he like fishing, painting, sculpting, watching movies, or music? Depending on that, you will plan the entire party. For example, if he’s into painting then have painting supplies at the venue where the retiree and the guests can enjoy the day painting and drawing. Wear white overalls or white t-shirts and paint masterpieces on each other. It will be great fun for everyone.

This idea also surrounds around the retiree’s hobby. Ask your guests to bring their own cameras and dress to impress. Take self-portraits or click pictures of everyone at the party. If you or anyone has a printer, attach it to the laptop and start printing the pictures. Make albums of the party and give it to the retiree as a memento. Out of all ideas for the party, I love this one the most. The reason is we all like to keep memories of the most cherished moments in our lives. So why make this party something to remember for a long, long time.
Well these were some fun ideas and party themes for men. Now if you’re searching for excellent retirement gifts, then read the PartyJoys article for more help. Also, you can read about retirement party for police.
I hope that you liked our suggestions. As I already mentioned before, have a larger than life party, invite everyone he knows, and have a blast. That’s what retirement is all about – being carefree (for a while) and live your life.