Parties for retiring ladies aren’t any more extravagant than what normal retirement parties are. If you are thinking of a retirement party for any of your female colleagues, you have hit the right place. This PartyJoys post brings you some fun ideas for organizing such a party.
With retirement, an individual embarks on a new journey and new phase in his or her life. There are umpteen plans on their agenda that have to be carried out in the spare time and many other things on the anvil. As they say, “No happiness comes without a pinch of sorrow.”. In this case, a person definitely feels that pinch of leaving the work he/she has been doing for so many years and the people that he/she will have to leave behind. Although it would be a new phase of life for them, it is also an emotional and nostalgic moment. To lift the veil of sadness from their minds, throw a memorable retirement party for them. This party is all about making them feel better, develop a camaraderie, and basically make them feel that he/she is leaving on a good note. Check out some party ideas below that will help you organize one.
The first thing that can add life to the party is to think of a unique and interesting way of designing your invitations. Do not have run of the mill invitations. Think out of the box and innovative invitations. Yes, you guessed it right. The subhead is a combination of these two! So, the point was to make the invitations different. If the retiree is interested in music, then make a music-related invitation.
Dash of the Past
Create a nostalgic atmosphere, but not so much that it will overwhelm the woman in question. Have a video or a slide show of photographs of a few interesting and funny incidents of the retiree with the colleagues. This is a great way to create those good vibes and bring back those nice memories for her. Women love these type of things!
Talk the Talk
Okay you have already overwhelmed her enough, so overwhelm her a bit more. Ask the colleagues and friends to talk about her. It sounds very run-of-the-mill, but a retirement party is not replete without friendly banter about the retiree. You can also come up with a parody of songs dedicated to the retiree and give her a good hearty laugh.
From the Horse’s Mouth
You made the friends and colleagues speak, now let it come from the horse’s mouth, meaning that let the retiree express what she feels. As a woman, she might have totally different thoughts on retirement as compared to men. Prod her about her future plans. Who knows, a guest might have got a gift related to a thing she wants or is planning to do.
Well, well, presents galore is what we have here. Avoid the usual presents ― showpieces, flowers cards, pens, and so on. Of course, these are some of the classic gifts. But wouldn’t it be better to present her with a gift that she would love to use. Check out what she likes and what she is looking forward to do after retiring. Is she thinking of a holiday at an exotic place? Pool in and buy her a nice holiday package to that destination. If she is adequately fit and is a sports freak, gift her a pair of shoes or any sports gear; a tennis racket for instance. She is surely going to be excited about what she has got!
Looney Toons
Now, this is one of the most unique ideas. Women love being pampered and cared for. Hence, as a token or symbol of how important that woman is and to make her remember you forever, gift her a caricature or cartoon of herself. She is going to leap with joy (not literally people!) and would be kinda’ choked, but that is going to be happiness for her.
There are many more things that can enliven a party like some nice music playing in the background or having someone actually play, sporting a wacky theme for the party, and so on. There is no dearth of ideas for a retirement party, you just have to think a bit about who the chief guest is, and would she like everything. Once you do that, you are surely going to have a rocking party! All the best! Rock the party!